
Common MSP Marketing Mistakes

Gabe Galvez

June 19, 2020

Industry agnostic marketing firms tend to treat all customers the same. But we all know that in the MSP space, the customer, the need and the pitch are very unique. 

It is common for MSP customers to perceive switching providers as hyper technical, disruptive and expensive.  Additionally, many of the decision makers for small and mid sized companies are not particularly technically savvy, so you ultimately need to establish a trust based report before pitching them on anything.

That all said, we still see MSPs too often making the following mistakes when reaching out to new prospective clients:

1. Lack of consistency. Let’s just get the obvious out of the way - without a consistent marketing effort, your strategy, whatever it is, will be less effective.  MSPs who start and stop marketing based on short term needs simply have to work harder and spend more money to convert a lead.

2. Non existent conversion strategies.  MSPs without a well developed marketing strategy often forget important basics like marketing peripherals, meaningful calls to action or targeted follow up. 

3. Lack of diversity.  All healthy businesses rely on more than one channel to generate lead flow.  Ideally your company should have elements of both a push and pull strategy.  Any single strategy will yield slower results compared to a multi pronged strategy.  Email marketing, PPC, retargeting, trade and business organizations, in person meetings, content marketing, thought leadership/authorship are among proven strategies you should consider adopting. 

4. No real differentiators. Business owners are being solicited constantly, and MSP solicitations are no exception.  We see campaigns daily from overseas firms, 100% outsourced firms and firms offering too good to be true pricing.  You need to be clear in how you differentiate your MSP from the rest.  By offering non geographic, non specific services you are opting in to competing with the whole market.  Focusing on a business type, a platform type, or a specific geography can easily differentiate your MSP on day one. 

5. Not going all in. While not inherently complex, growing your MSP involved a certain level of commitment.  Companies that view marketing as a one-off project, or means to an end often struggle.  Focusing on long term strategies and loans will quickly prove that thoughtful marketing should pay for itself!

Avoiding these common mistakes is a great way to immediately increase your MRR funnel, and close rates.  


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